our journey has begun


after a few weeks of organizing and slowly adding in a new routine our homeschool journey has begun. we are starting out slow and making sure everything we do is fun and is based on A's interests. i am gathering tons of references, as well as support.

every day she asks to do school work in her workbook. so we sit down together and go through a few pages. once she has lots interest or i notice her attention drifting we simply stop and do something else.

reading is probably the best thing for children to help them learn and love learning. so we go to the library once a week and make sure we are reading a few books each day.

the rest of her days are filled with creating art. with crayons, with chalk, with paint, with crafts. as well as lots of free play (indoor and outdoor).

this morning she was up a few minutes before i was and she was sitting at the table practicing writing with her write and erase. if you make learning FUN it wont seem like work. everything is working its self into a sort of rhythm and most importantly Ashlyn is loving everything and is thriving. there isn't too much more this mama could ask for.


Anonymous said...

i love this post, makes me aware that i need to more of this hands on learning with my own children, outside of preschool and also focus on more reading time with drew. thanks robyn for sharing your journey this far.

Anonymous said...


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