dinosaurs & the zoo


we are very fortunate to have one of top zoos in Canada right here in our city. we have a family membership and are able to go as often as we want. Ashlyn loves the zoo and would be happy to go every day i believe.

like a lot of children Ash is very interested in dinosaurs and living in alberta we are home to an abundance of dinosaur history. the zoo has a prehistoric park that takes you on a walk through what it might have looked like here when dinosaurs were alive and they offer a dig a dino preschool program that she is registered for. we also have the royal tyrrell museum just an hour and half away that will will be visiting soon.

here are a few highlights from our last trip to the zoo. A's favorite animal right now is the giraffe. 


Jenn said...

I love the zoo... we visited there last spring when we were in the city after our trip to the Royal Terrell :) I can't wait to go back again and hopefully this year.
So many wonderful places to check out.

a Mamacita said...

Beautiful photos. Looking outside today it's hard to believe that Ashlyn is wearing a t-shirt!!

Anonymous said...

We have a small, free zoo nearby that we love to go to, and we are about an hour and half drive from Atlanta where there are many wonderful venues to visit. We just got a membership to the Aquarium, so I hope to make use of that this year!

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